Rebecca's Favorite Free Websites
PLEASE NOTE - Nutrition Data Self website no longer exists, and the Duke ethnobotanical database looks a bit different but is still useful. This video is still helpful to learn how to use Sci-Hub for primary literature search.
There are many great websites to help us be top nutritionists. After years of experience, here are our top sites that we use the most.
MyTavin is a great site for any client on medication! Search for nutritional deficiencies caused by medications. Information is graded an A through D based on the evidence in clinical trials. You can feel confident with the information because it was fully updated June 2021 by a team of medical professionals. It’s free to use.
What nutrient deficiencies does Metformin cause, again?
NutritionData is a useful tool to identify the macro and micronutrients in individual foods, as well as many food brands. Alternatively, you can search to find foods highest in specific nutrients. Create a free account to save your searches.
Your client could use more Vitamins B5 and B6, what foods include these nutrients (individually or together)?
LabDoor is an independent company that tests the quality and accuracy of supplements. They determine whether the ingredients are accurate as labeled and if contaminants are present. Products are then graded and ranked. This site is helpful for you to ensure that your supplement recommendations are effective and safe for clients.
Is [this brand I know] actually high quality?
Cronometer is an accurate nutrition tracking app. You or the client can input their daily food intake and receive a detailed breakdown of macro and micronutrients. Biometrics, health data, and exercise can be tracked as well, and it can be used online or with an app. Cronometer is useful to define the nutrients your client consumes, track nutrient goals, and set goals with clients who like the structure.
How much calcium is my client actually getting through food?
Trying to figure out what foods and plants are high in a certain phytochemical? I.e. Lycopene, ellagic acid, chlorophyll, etc. Expand your knowledge of the benefits of various plant derived antioxidants and where to find them in nature!
Do you ever find an interesting looking study but then can’t access it without paying? Try to search for it here! Sci-Hub was created to bring down the pay-wall barrier of publicly funded studies, so the information can be available to everyone. Search for the DOI to download the article for free.
Rebecca Snow has been a CNS Supervisor for 10 years and a clinical nutritionist for 20. She is owner and founder of the Nutrition & Herbal Collective. As a CNS Supervisor, and nutrition mentor, Rebecca gives generously of her wisdom and experience to build up new nutritionists for success. She specializes in chronic illness and has worked in academia, group and private practice. Come meet the supervisors of our internship for nutrition students, and learn about who they are.
Book a Strategy Call with Rebecca to learn more about personalized mentorship for nutrition students and nutrition graduates.Â