Kate Costello, MS, CNS, LDN3 min readORDERING LAB TESTS AS A NUTRITION INTERN WITH KATE COSTELLOLet's talk about lab outlets, scope of practice, state laws, NPI numbers, and more for ordering lab tests as a nutrition intern.
Rebecca Snow, MS, CNS, LDN, AHG1 min readFAQ - Frequently Asked QuestionsFind answers to your Frequently Asked Questions about nutrition mentorship, CNS exam prep, SPE requirements, and more.
Rebecca Snow, MS, CNS, LDN, AHG2 min readACCOMPLISHING YOUR CNS SPE HOURS WITH HEAD AND HEART WITH REBECCA SNOWCompleting your CNS SPE hours? CNS Supervisor Rebecca Snow shares her tips for nutrition graduates to meet their SPE requirements.
Rebecca Snow, MS, CNS, LDN, AHG3 min readREBECCA'S 5 BEST PERSONAL WELLNESS PRACTICES WITH REBECCA SNOWDiscover CNS Supervisor Rebecca Snow's 5 best personal wellness practices, from walking her dogs to enjoying a veggie box.
Caitlin Self MS, CNS, LDN3 min readWHAT TO KNOW ABOUT PHYTONUTRIENTS FOR THE CNS EXAM WITH CAITLIN SELFPhytonutrients for the CNS exam with CNS Supervisor Caitlin Self - learn about key compounds like lycopene, beta-carotene, and more.
Caitlin Self MS, CNS, LDN4 min readHOW TO PREPARE FOR THE CNS EXAM: GETTINGS STARTED WHEN YOU'RE OVERWHELMED WITH CAITLIN SELF Learn tips to prepare for the CNS exam when you're busy and overwhelmed from CNS Supervisor and clinical nutritionist Caitlin Self.